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    SubjectRe: DRM function pointer work..
    Jon Smirl wrote:
    > --- Keith Whitwell <> wrote:
    >>Ian Romanick wrote:
    >>>Jon Smirl wrote:
    >>>>The only case I see a problem is when drm-core is compiled into
    >>>>the kernel. Why don't we just change the Makefile to default to
    >>>>copying the CVS code into the kernel source tree and tell the
    >>>>user to rebuild his kernel?
    >>>I don't think that will fly with Joe-user that just wants to
    >>>upgrade his graphics driver. The other problem case is if the
    >>>user has two graphics cards in his system. He wants to upgrade
    >>>the driver for one of them (or install a new driver for a new
    >>>card), but the interface between the device-independent
    >>>(in-kernel) layer and the device-dependent (in-kernel) layer
    >>>has changed.
    > fbdev is in exactly this model and it isn't causing anyone problems.
    > The simple rule is that if you want to upgrade fbdev past the current
    > version you have to do it in entirety. You do that for fbdev but
    > pulling bk:// But Joe user doesn't do that, that is
    > something only developers do.
    > Distributions release new kernels all of the time. If Joe wants to
    > upgrade he graphics driver he should wait until we push it into the
    > kernel and it arrives via his distribution. If he really wants to be
    > bleeding edge he can copy the entirety of the DRM CVS into his kernel
    > tree.
    > Linux doesn't have a stable driver binary interface. It isn't meant for
    > you to be able to upgrade one module while keeping the core and an
    > older module.
    > The key here is that distributions release new kernels at a rapid pace.
    > This is not X where we get a new release every five years. The standard
    > mechanism for upgrading device drivers in Linux is to add them to the
    > kernel and wait for a release. If DRM uses that mechanism for
    > distribution we won't have problems.

    Sorry, I don't buy it. Graphics drivers are a special case and people upgrade
    them with a passion... No new interfaces, thankyou.


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