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SubjectRe: VPD in sysfs
[I'll reply to this quickly even though I'm 1/2 asleep...  travelling
and not sure when I'll get to email again...]

>>>>> "Willy" == Matthew Wilcox <> writes:

Willy> I've been sent a patch that reads some VPD from the Symbios
Willy> NVRAM and displays it in sysfs. I'm not sure whether the
Willy> way the author chose to present it is the best. They put
Willy> it in 0000:80:01.0/host0/vpd_name which seems a bit too
Willy> scsi-specific and insufficiently forward-looking (I bet we
Willy> want to expose more VPD data than that in the future, so we
Willy> should probably use a directory).

Does the patch expose the VPD as text? Either way, what's the format?

Willy> I actually have a feeling (and please don't kill me for
Willy> saying this), that we should add a struct vpd * to the
Willy> struct device. Then we need something like the
Willy> drivers/base/power/sysfs.c file (probably
Willy> drivers/base/vpd.c) that takes care of adding vpd to each
Willy> device that wants it.

Sounds good to me... I like the idea of a consistent way of getting
at VPD. Perhaps then HAL would get at it too.

Willy> Thoughts? Since there's at least four and probably more
Willy> ways of getting at VPD, we either need to fill in some VPD
Willy> structs at initialisation or have some kind of vpd_ops that
Willy> a driver can fill in so the core can get at the data.

For PCI 2.0/2.1 VPD in expansion ROMs the recent patch to expose the
ROMs in sysfs is probably enough. The likely brokenness of ROMs and
the VPD means that trying to special-case around brokenness should
probably be done outside the kernel.

However, I could be wrong: there is something to be said for

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