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SubjectRe: [PATCH][2.6.7-rc3] Single Priority Array CPU Scheduler
Hi Peter,

I just started to try out your SPA scheduler patch and found that it is
noticeably sluggish when resizing a mozilla window on the desktop. I
have a profile of 2.6.7-rc3-spa and 2.6.7-rc2-mm2 and put them up at: . There is also vmstat output there but it
doesn't look too helpful to me.

The test was basic and went like this:

x86, K7, UP, gnome desktop with mozilla (with a bunch of tabs) and a few
rxvts. cmdline= elevator=cfq profile=1

readprofile -r

grab a corner of my mozilla window and continually move it around for
several seconds

readprofile -v -m /boot/|sort -rn +2|head -n30

do the same while dumping vmstat 1 to a file.

The kernel with your patch had a much harder time keeping up with the
window resizing. Moving the entire window did not seem too bad or not
too noticeable. I tried a similar test while running a kernel compile
(make -j3) and it made the window resizing _really_ slow to respond.



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