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Subject[ANNOUNCEMENT PATCH COW] proof of concept impementation of cowlinks
Couldn't sleep last night and finished a first complete version of
cowlinks, code-named MAD COW. It is still based on the stupid old
design with a flag to distinguish between regular hard links and
cowlinks. Please don't comment on that design, it's just a proof of

Patches are against 2.6.5 but most things should apply to other 2.6
kernel without too much trouble.

1 generic_sendpage - allow sendfile with ext[23] files as target
2 sendfile - introduce vfs_sendfile for in-kernel use
3 copyfile - new copyfile() system call
4 lock_flags - old cruft, just ignore it
5 madcow - the MAD COW itself

Patches 1-3 will stay, 4 will be remove and 5 replaced by a better
design over time. I've also set up a webpage for it:

Maybe that should be converted into a wiki so someone with better
taste than myself can improve it.


This above all: to thine own self be true.
-- Shakespeare
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