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Subjectwhy swap at all?
As a general question about ram/swap and relating to some of the issues in 
this thread:

~500 megs cached yet 2.6.5 goes into swap hell

Consider this: I have a desktop system with 256MB ram, so I make a 256MB
swap partition. So I have 512MB "memory" and if some process wants more,
too bad, there is no more.

Now I buy another 256MB of ram, so I have 512MB of real memory. Why not
just disable my swap completely now? I won't have increased my memory's
size at all, but won't I have increased its performance lots?

Or, to make it more appealing, say I initially had 512MB ram and now I have
1GB. Wouldn't I much rather not use swap at all anymore, in this case, on
my desktop?

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