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Subject[PATCH/RFC] Lustre VFS patch
Hi Linus, Andrew & others,

Many people have asked me to have this patched reviewed, and
considered for inclusion in 2.6 after some reworking. At the kernel
summit last summer we discussed these issues.

This patch is not the Lustre file system, with client file system,
Lustre RPC, server code etc. This patch would enable people to run
Lustre with modules loading into unmodified kernels and this appears
to be something vendors really would like to see. FYI, at the moment
Lustre is a just a little bit larger than NFS, comparing clients,
servers, and rpc code for each (60K vs 80K lines of code).

This patch was written quite defensively: file systems not using
intents should really be completely unaffected.

I attach a little tar ball with patches and a series file which
describes the order of the patches. Below is a short description of
each of the patches. I also want to tell you a few things we have
worked on that are not present in this patch:

- deal with "pinning" directories that are CWD or mount points. They
should not be removable/unlinkable by remote nodes, and the FS needs
some indication of that.

- in Lustre d_parent is not necessarily valid, so sys_getcwd needs to
be careful. In Ottawa we discussed adding an optional hook.

- changes to NFSD to allow it to run on top of Lustre

- per file system locking operations (refinining i_sem) to allow
parallel updates in one directory.

It goes without saying that many people in CFS have made contributions
to this patch and that the ideas were heavily influenced by discussions
with the kernel community.

Please give me your thoughts about how we can move forward with this.


- Peter -


This introduces an ioctl on block devices to stop doing I/O. The
only purpose of the patch is automated recovery regression testing,
it is very convenient to have this available.


Export symbols used by Lustre.


Small bug fix to avoid double inclusion of headers


A tiny header to check that the kernel patch and Lustre modules are


A trivial patch to make functions available to lustre that do
d_move, d_rehash, without taking/dropping the dcache lock.


This allows dentries to be d_invalidate'd if a bit is set in the
FLAGS. This is required when dentries that are busy on the local
node are invalidated on another client system.


Introduce intents for other operations. Add a file system hook to
release intent data. Make a few "intent versions" of functions such
as "lookup_one_len_it" and "user_walk_it" available through headers.
Arrange that the open intent is visible in the open methods. Add a
few missing intent_init calls.


Add intents for open in the context of execution.


Add intent_init for all operations, not just for open.


Add a pointer to per fs intent_data structure to the struct lookup_intent.


This adds raw operations for setattr, mkdir, rmdir, mknod, unlink,
symlink, link and rename. The raw operations look up the parent
directories (but not leaf nodes) involved in the operation and then
ask the file system to execute the operation. These methods allow
us to delegate the execution of these functions to the server, and
instantiate no dentries for leaf nodes, leaf nodes will only enter
the dcache on subsequent lookups. This patch dramatically
simplifies the client/server lock management, particularly for

In Ottawa Linus suggested that we could maybe do this with intents
instead. I feel that both are ugly, both are possible but intents
looked akward.


We found that dentries could be invalidated multiple times through
activity on remote nodes, but this shoudl not lead to failure in
Lustre. The revalidation path real_lookup was adapted to take a few
more iterations through the revalidation before giving up. This
revalidation takes the form of first revalidating, then looking up
if it fails, and possibly revalidating a few more times (see above)
until there is success.


We add nameidata flags to indicate that a link sits in the middle of
the path and a flag that inidicates we are looking at the last
component of a path. [If someone knows if the existing flags could
detect this, that would be welcome.] To pass intents when the last
pathname component is a "." we insert a "special" revalidation
function that calls revalidate dentry when such a pathname is


As Linus requested in Ottawa last summer, rename
to intent. it_flags and to
intent.it_create_mode. Remove the union of "intents", which only
contained an open_intent, and replace it with a single struct
lookup_intent included in the nameidata.


We added a parameter to do_truncate so that the FS can now if it is
being called from open or not.

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