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SubjectWhat does tainting actually mean?
Hi all.

I'm probably going to regret this, but seeing the current discussion on
binary modules makes me wonder:

What does tainting actually mean?

What I mean is, how does it help to know that a kernel is tainted? When
I'm working on Software Suspend and someone sends me an oops, I don't
really care whether it's marked as tainted or not. For all I know, even if
it's not tainted, they may have thrown in half a dozen different patches
aside from Suspend, any one of which could be playing a role in the
appearance of the oops. It doesn't help me to know that the kernel was
tainted. It helps me to know what the non-standard additions are (and how
the kernel was configured), regardless of whether the additions mark the
kernel tainted or not.

Of course I realise at the same time that maybe tainting has nothing to do
with saying 'This isn't an unmodified tree' and everything to do with
saying 'This kernel has had non-GPL code interacting with it'. If that's
the case, I don't see the relevance of saying (as Paul did a little while

"You deceived maintainers who receive "untainted" bug reports."

Indeed, the surrounding lines seem to make it clear that the real issue is
not fixing bugs but politics. Thus my question: What does tainting
actually mean?


Nigel Cunningham
C/- Westminster Presbyterian Church Belconnen
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