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SubjectRe: "Enhanced" MD code avaible for review
Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
>>I respectfully disagree with the EMD folks that a userland approach is
>>impossible, given all the failure scenarios.
> I've never said that it was impossible, just unwise. I believe
> that a userland approach offers no benefit over allowing the kernel
> to perform all meta-data operations. The end result of such an
> approach (given feature and robustness parity with the EMD solution)
> is a larger resident side, code duplication, and more complicated
> configuration/management interfaces.

There is some code duplication, yes. But the right userspace solution
does not have a larger RSS, and has _less_ complicated management
interfaces. A key benefit of "do it in userland" is a clear gain in
flexibility, simplicity, and debuggability (if that's a word).

But it's hard. It requires some deep thinking. It's a whole lot easier
to do everything in the kernel -- but that doesn't offer you the
protections of userland, particularly separate address spaces from the
kernel, and having to try harder to crash the kernel. :)


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