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SubjectHanging NFS umounts with 2.4.27
we have 2 SMP machines running Linux 2.4.27 with autofs which have a high
rate of mounting/umounting. When they are heavily used, it happens that
about once a day a umount-process gets stuck and the only solution is
to reboot the machine.
We can also see this happen (much less often) on our UP workstations,
where in the average only one student is working on a single machine at
a time.

Searching through the Changesets I found 1.1402.1.19:
After reverting this one, we have a stable umount-behaviour again.

Grepping through the log of the serial console finds the following
hanging umounts (the nfs-servers were up at these moments):
19969 ? S 9:32 /bin/umount //local/perl-5.004/.arch.os
23437 ? S 0:00 /bin/umount //local/maple/.arch.os
19969 ? S 9:40 /bin/umount //local/perl-5.004/.arch.os
23437 ? S 0:00 /bin/umount //local/maple/.arch.os
19969 ? S 9:59 /bin/umount //local/perl-5.004/.arch.os
23437 ? S 0:00 /bin/umount //local/maple/.arch.os
19969 ? S 10:13 /bin/umount //local/perl-5.004/.arch.os
23437 ? S 0:00 /bin/umount //local/maple/.arch.os
22491 ? S 0:00 /bin/umount //local/gnu-utils-1.0/.arch.os
23560 ? S 0:00 /bin/umount //proj/cipadm

The file-systems are mounted from a Solaris 9 machine with the following
options on the client-side:

We are running Debian/Testing with autofs version 4.1.3.

Our current Kernel-config is at:
(This Kernel is patched with ACLs and the current autofs-patch, but the
behaviour can be reproduced with a vanilla kernel)


Please CC me on replies, as I am not subscribed to linux-kernel. Thanks.

Michael Gernoth Department of Computer Science IV
Martensstrasse 1 D-91058 Erlangen Germany University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
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