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SubjectRe: code bloat [was Re: Semaphore assembly-code bug]
>> Hmm probably some bloat-detection tools would be helpful,
>> like "show me source_lines/object_size ratios of fonctions in
>> this ELF object file". Those with low ratio are suspects of
>> excessive inlining etc.

Hm, I've got a (very simple) line determining utility,
maybe someone can pipe it together with ls -l or whatever.

>The problem with apps of this sort is the multiple layers of abstraction.
>Xlib, GLib, GTK, GNOME, Pango, XML, etc.

At least they know one thing: that thou should not stuff everything into one
.so but multiple ones (if it's a lot). That /may/ reduce the size-in-memory,
because not all .so's need to be loaded. OTOH, most apps load /all/ anyway.
Heh, there we go.

>Bloat is cause by feature creep at every layer, not just the app.

I sense Java and C# being the best example.

Z Smith wrote:
>Or join me in my effort to limit bloat. Why use an X server
>that uses 15-30 megs of RAM when you can use FBUI which is 25 kilobytes
>of code with very minimal kmallocing?

FBUI does not have 3d acceleration?

Ken Moffat wrote:
>>The point is that -Os is *much* less tested
>>than -O2 at the moment.

>Because people suck, and don't use it and hence test it.

I doubt even the -O2-only-people use gprof/gcov frequently. :(

Jan Engelhardt
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