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    SubjectRe: code bloat [was Re: Semaphore assembly-code bug]
    On Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 02:13:37AM +0300, Denis Vlasenko wrote:
    > > Bloat is cause by feature creep at every layer, not just the app.
    > I actually tried to convince maintainers of one package
    > that their code is needlessly complex. I did send patches
    > to remedy that a bit while fixing real bugs. Rejected.
    > Bugs were planned to be fixed by adding more code.
    > I've lost all hope on that case.

    See, there is an ego problem, too. If you rewrite my code, it means
    you're better than I am. Rejected.

    Features win over efficiency. Seriously, look at glibc. Hav eyou ever
    tried to fix a bug in it? Holy CRAP is that horrible code. Each chunk of
    code itself is OK (though it abuses macrso so thoroughly I hesitate to
    call it C code). But it tried to support every architecture x every OS.
    You know what? I don't CARE if the glibc code compiles on HPUX or not.
    HPUX has it's own libc.

    > I guess this is a reason why bloat problem tend to be solved
    > by rewrite from scratch. I could name quite a few cases:

    From-scratch is a huge risk. But yeah, sometimes it has to be.

    > It's sort of frightening that someone will need to
    > rewrite Xlib or, say, OpenOffice :(

    Never gonna happen.
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