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SubjectUse of AI for process scheduling
I just got back from vacation and have 3278 list messages to sift 
through. (Yay.) I wouldn't be surprised, therefore, if others were
already discussing this, but I've been thinking of some ideas over the
past week that we may be helpful for the advancement of intelligent
process scheduling.

To begin with, let's consider the parts of an intelligent system:

1) Inputs (ie. properties and behaviors of processes)
2) Heuristics
3) Outputs (ie. dynamic priorities, etc.)

Up to this point, the interactive scheduler has been designed in a very
expert-system-like manner. Human experts observe behaviors and define
heuristics. Ultimately, we do want a solid set of heuristics that are
coded in C, and that's what the current development process has been
working directly toward.

The progress has been slow, and there have been a lot of false starts
and tangents which have been discarded. This is all how development
works, and it's important to explore all possibilities. But what I
would like to propose is that we work on a way to accelerate that
process, and that is to make use of machine learning. We move from
expert systems to artificial intelligence, because the heuristics are
determined by the machine and are therefore dynamic.

Basically, we need to write and install into the kernel an AI engine
which uses user feedback about the "feel" of the system to adjust
heuristics dynamically. For instance, if the user sees that the system
is misbehaving, they can pause the system in the kernel debugger,
examine process priorities, and indicate what "outputs" from the AI
engine are wrong. It then learns from that. Heuristics can be tweaked
until things run as desired. At that point, scheduler developers trade
emails in the AI heuristic language.

Obviously, this AI engine will be slow and add a huge amount of
processing overhead. The idea is to determine what the heuristics are,
and then to release a kernel, recode the heuristics in C.

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