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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: blank boot screen on linux-2.6.0-test4 (with workaround)
As Charles suggested, here are my .config files for my linux-2.4.20-8
(Redhat 9) and linux-2.6.0-test4 builds. CONFIG_FB_VESA is enabled for 2.6,
but vga=773 still does not work (and video=vga16:off is still needed, unlike
2.4). I am using a Dell Latitude C400 laptop, which uses an Intel i810 video
card, which only recently been supported by Redhat 9 and XFree86.

I've also tried Redhat's arjanv's linux-2.6 RPMs, which include the
following known problems for the AGP modules. The AGP problem definitely
affects my laptop because I just "modprobe intel-agp" before startx will
work. Could this same AGP problem be causing my vga=773 problems?

Known quirks
* XFree86 vs AGP
The kernel agp modules got split into per chipset modules; the auto-load
mechanism of XFree86 in RHL9 isn't yet adjusted to this split. You can get
it to work by hand by doing a "modprobe intel-agp" (if you have an intel
chipset of course) before starting X.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Peterson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 8:48 PM
Subject: PROBLEM: blank boot screen on linux-2.6.0-test4 (with workaround)

> I upgraded a working Redhat 9 installation (linux-2.4.20) to
> linux-2.6.0-test4. When I boot, I see the "Uncompressing Linux..."
> but then the screen goes blank. I know the system did not crash because I
> can blindly login and shutdown.
> My previous kernel boot parameters included "vga=773" to give me 50 lines
> my laptop display (a Dell Latitude C400). If I remove "vga=773" and add
> "video=vga16:off", then everything works correctly! If I include both
> "vga=773 video=vga16:off", then I get the blank boot screen again.
> Why does "vga=773" work with linux-2.4.20, but not linux-2.60-test4? Why
> does linux-2.6.0-test4 require "video=vga16:off", but linux-2.4.20 does
> thanks,
> chris
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