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Subjectkernel oops with kernel-smp-2.4.20-20.9 (Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000)
Greetings all.

Im getting the error message "Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference at virtual address 00000000" when trying to load (ifup eth1)
eth1 with kernel-smp-2.4.20-20.9. It works fine with non-smp package from

Now im not sure if im using the ksymoops tool correctly, as im getting error
using it ...
but heres the output anyway :

[root@localhost oops]# ksymoops -v /boot/vmlinux-2.4.20-20.9smp -k
/root/oops/ksyms -l /root/oops/modules < oops.txt
ksymoops 2.4.5 on i686 2.4.20-20.9smp. Options used
-v /boot/vmlinux-2.4.20-20.9smp (specified)
-k /root/oops/ksyms (specified)
-l /root/oops/modules (specified)
-o /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9smp/ (default)
-m /boot/ (default)

Error (expand_objects): cannot stat(/lib/ext3.o) for ext3
ksymoops: No such file or directory
Error (expand_objects): cannot stat(/lib/jbd.o) for jbd
ksymoops: No such file or directory
Error (expand_objects): cannot stat(/lib/aacraid.o) for aacraid
ksymoops: No such file or directory
Error (expand_objects): cannot stat(/lib/aic79xx.o) for aic79xx
ksymoops: No such file or directory
Error (expand_objects): cannot stat(/lib/sd_mod.o) for sd_mod
ksymoops: No such file or directory
Error (expand_objects): cannot stat(/lib/scsi_mod.o) for scsi_mod
ksymoops: No such file or directory
Warning (map_ksym_to_module): cannot match loaded module ext3 to a unique
module object. Trace may not be reliable.
Warning (map_ksym_to_module): cannot match loaded module aacraid to a unique
module object. Trace may not be reliable.
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: f8b05260
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: *pde = 00000000
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: Oops: 0000
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: CPU: 1
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: EIP: 0060:[<f8b05260>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: eax: 00000100 ebx: 00000000 ecx:
Warning (Oops_set_regs): garbage 'ecx:' at end of register line ignored
00033a64 edx: f653b980
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: esi: 00000000 edi: 00000000 ebp:
Warning (Oops_set_regs): garbage 'ebp:' at end of register line ignored
00000000 esp: f5ebbe98
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: ds: 0068 es: 0068 ss: 0068
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: Process ip (pid: 3080, stackpage=f5ebb000)
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: Stack: c3699400 00001000 f5e43000 f653b980
c3699400 00001003 00000000 f8b051dd
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: f653b980 14000000 f653b800 f653b800
f653b980 00000000 f8b04a26 f653b980
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: f653b800 c020fa86 f653b800 c02123c7
f653b800 f653b800 00001002 c021112a
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: Call Trace: [<f8b051dd>]
e1000_free_rx_resources [e1000] 0x1d (0xf5ebbeb4))
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<f8b04a26>] e1000_open [e1000] 0x46
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c020fa86>] dev_open [kernel] 0xa6
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c02123c7>] dev_mc_upload [kernel] 0x37
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c021112a>] dev_change_flags [kernel]
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c020f61e>] dev_get [kernel] 0x1e
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c024f130>] devinet_ioctl [kernel] 0x290
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c0207ca0>] sock_ioctl [kernel] 0x40
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c01650b6>] sys_ioctl [kernel] 0xf6
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: [<c01098cf>] system_call [kernel] 0x33
Sep 6 11:24:20 localhost kernel: Code: 8b 14 1f 85 d2 74 36 8b 42 70 48 74

>>EIP; f8b05260 <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+30/140> <=====

Trace; f8b051dd <[e1000]e1000_free_rx_resources+1d/70>

Code; f8b05260 <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+30/140>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; f8b05260 <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+30/140> <=====
0: 8b 14 1f mov (%edi,%ebx,1),%edx <=====
Code; f8b05263 <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+33/140>
3: 85 d2 test %edx,%edx
Code; f8b05265 <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+35/140>
5: 74 36 je 3d <_EIP+0x3d>
Code; f8b05267 <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+37/140>
7: 8b 42 70 mov 0x70(%edx),%eax
Code; f8b0526a <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+3a/140>
a: 48 dec %eax
Code; f8b0526b <[e1000]e1000_clean_rx_ring+3b/140>
b: 74 0b je 18 <_EIP+0x18>

4 warnings and 6 errors issued. Results may not be reliable.


Please let me know if im missing something, or if you need more info from me
regarding this issue.

Thanks a lot.

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