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SubjectSimple Procfs question: Triggering an "action" when opening a directory instead of a file (with seqfile.h)???
Hello everybody :)

I need some help on this one, I couldn't find anything on google or in
the archives of the mailing list. Here it goes:

I want to trigger an action when "opening" a directory of the procfs.
This is easy for files, but how is it done for directories...???

With files this is simple, all we have to do is to change some structs:

static struct file_operations FILE_fops = {
open: FILE_open,
read: seq_read,
llseek: seq_lseek,
release: seq_release,
static struct seq_operations FILE_ops = {
start: FILE_start,
next: FILE_next,
stop: FILE_stop,
show: FILE_show
and insert some code.

But for directories, the same doesn't work:

tipcDir = proc_mkdir("tipc",&proc_root);
if (tipcDir) {
tipcDir->proc_fops = &tipcDir_fops;


because when tyring to enter the directory of tipcDir, it says "tipc not
a directory", probably because I try to use a "fops" (file operation).
But I can't find any other ways to do this

Any ideas?
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