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SubjectMinimizing the Kernel
I want to created the smallest, fastest kernel that supports all the 
necessary features of a given system.

Obviously, the answer is very system dependent, requiring a keen
knowledge of the relationships between hardware and Linux components.

Unless I'm missing something (always a possibility), the kernel
configurations do not provide a clear idea of component size. In other
words, if I include "burfulgunk port support" in my kernel build, I'd
like to have a rough idea of the component's size. I might not need to
support the "burfulgunk", especially if it's a large component (for,
say, a legacy port.)

I'm well aware that code sizes differ between platforms; I'm looking for
general information, as a guideline to generating a small kernel.

Scott Robert Ladd
Coyote Gulch Productions (
Software Invention for High-Performance Computing

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