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SubjectRe: MEPs reaction to software patent issues
Update to my earlier post:

> This is somewhat off-topic, but at the same time relevant for many of
> you in the U.K.
> I sent my own 'fact sheet' about European software patents to an MEP
> who seemed more interested that most in this issue, due to the
> mis-information being spread in McCarthy's so called 'fact sheet'.

To avoid any ambiguity, the 'due to the mis-information...' part of
that sentence refers solely to my reason for sending out my own 'fact
sheet'. It never was, and is not intended to convey in any sense that
the MEP I wrote to seemed more interested than most due to
mis-information in McCarthy's 'fact sheet'.

> Guess what I receieved in response? A letter which was an exact
> duplicate of the E-Mail he sent me in response to my original letter
> on the matter.

I contacted the same MEP again this morning stating my
dis-satisfaction at getting a duplicated response, and received a
satifactory reply explaining the reasons for this very promptly.

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