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SubjectRe: Fix for wrong OOM killer trigger?
On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 04:23:14PM +0200, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> I refuse to use closed software myself for my critical tasks true,
> but I've never said closed software is bad.

Really? So where's the source to the BIOS of your machine? Your drive
firmware? Do you drive a car? Turn on a microwave? Use a cell phone?

And didn't you say:

> I may have said sometime that binary only drivers are bad but that's
> just because of the pain they give after you recompile a kernel, and I
> change the kernel very often ;).

So if you don't use closed source then why is it that those binaries are
giving you a problem? Could it be that you don't practice what you
preach? Oh, I see, it's OK to use closed source if you need to play
quake but not if you want to check in some code. Sure, I can see how
that makes sense. NOT.
Larry McVoy lm at
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