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SubjectRe: Fix for wrong OOM killer trigger?
On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 09:30:26PM -0700, Larry McVoy wrote:
> The problem is that you are saying that closed source is bad, in
> particular, that BitKeeper is bad. That's not the problem, lots of

this is not true. I never said that and I will never say that.

Find a quote where I said closed source is bad, I think I never said
that in my whole life, or if I said that it had to be a joke or
something like that. I may have said sometime that binary only drivers
are bad but that's just because of the pain they give after you
recompile a kernel, and I change the kernel very often ;). I refuse to
use closed software myself for my critical tasks true, but I've never
said closed software is bad.

Closed software it's just not acceptable for my needs, but it can be
perfect for others. It's not about good or bad right/wrong here. It's
about different people having different needs. And please avoid
imagination and stick to facts and to what I write, not to what you
think I want to say, because you're wrong about that.

As for the economy comments, I would suggest to have a look here:

As for the replacement of my signature you should stop insulting me
with "I was deliberately rude to the people providing them" or about
speculation that I'm saying that closed software is bad or whatever,
this is the last email I answer you if you keep making deliberate
wrong assumptions about something I never said and I will never say
because I simply wouldn't agree with that claims myself.

I'm very satisfied with the service you're providing, I thank you a lot
of that and for giving us the data in the open, we could lose nearly all
the 2.5 development logs if it wasn't for your effort. So I very much
hope that you will be able to provide it in the long run and that you
will be very successful, but the day you won't be able to provide it
anymore for whatever reason, I'm optimistic the open community will be
able to find a (possibly inferior) substitute.

Andrea - If you refuse to depend on closed software for a critical
part of your business, these links may be useful:[45]/
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