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SubjectRE: Driver Model

I agree with you, except for the one place where you've contradicted

> If you are an embedded space widget. Apply thumb to nose and wiggle
> fingers. Provided you ship the source code you modify in the kernel, and
> I do mean all of it, use the short cut to clobber the issues in module.h.
> When they scream and complain about, this violates intent, ask them are
> they issuing a restriction on the usage of the GPL kernel? If they do not
> permit one to use it under GPL them the kernel itself is in violation.

In other words, you cannot release something under the GPL and
simultaneously restrict its use.

> Now back to "tainting", if the politics were such to cause all modules
> which are not GPL to be rejected then the game is over. Because the
> kernel does not reject loading, it by default approves of closed source
> binary modules. One could use the means of taint-testing to accept or
> reject, regardless of the original intent. Many have and will make the
> argument the kernel has the ability to reject closed source and it choose
> to accept.

So no, the kernel does not have the ability to reject closed source. That
would be an additional restriction upon use that the GPL does not allow you
to impose.


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