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Mrs.Amina Bare Mainassara 
16, Rue of the gardens Cocody
Abidjan Cote d'ivoire.


I sincerely apologize for inconveniencing you with
this mail even if we never met before, I firmly
believe that a true confidence can be born from our
communication and thus support a true partnership
between us two.

As it is with a real pleasure as I contact you from
ABIDJAN the economic capital of Cote d'IVOIRE(AFRIQUE
of the West) where I live for some time with my two
children, Moussa and Samira.

In fact I am Mrs Amina Bare Mainassara, the legitimate
wife of the former president of the republic of NIGER
(WEST AFRICA) assassinated by a young soldier in April
1999. During the exercise of his presidential mandate,
my husband had lodged a box with a security company in

Europe containing the sum of Ten Million Umited States
Dollars to allow him to conceive a project of
investment at the end of his presidential mandate.

Unfortunately fate decided differently. few months
after his death, I discovered in the will, this
information and I automatically made contacts with the
security company to assert this important legacy in my
position as the legitimate wife and in comparison with
the testamentary stipulations. Now my major concern is
to ensure that the money is invested properly.

Considering my condition and that of my children, we
have suffered seriously from the hands of my late
husband's political adversaries.

It is from this point of view that I contact you so
that you can help me to withdraw this consignment from
the security company Because I believe that you can
help me in this transaction.

I can thus reassure you that at the end of the
operation I will authorize 20% of the total amount to
you as your reward for your good effort.

while another 5% of this amount will be set aside
forany expenditure that may be incured during the
course of this transaction.

As soon as you express the desire to help us I will
deliver you more details, find attached copies of my
picture and that of my children.

Receive my most sincere greetings.

Waitng to hear your positive response and ensure you send me your
telephone and fax numbers.

Faithfully yours,

Mrs Amina Bare Mainassara.

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