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SubjectSV: Efficient IPC mechanism on Linux
>>>On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 12:54:32PM +0200, Luca Veraldi wrote:
>> > Memory is sort of starting to be like disk IO in this regard.
>> Good. So the less you copy memory all around, the better you permorm.
>Actually it's "the less discontiguos memory you touch the better you
perform". Just like a 128Kb read is about the same cost as a 4Kb disk
read, the same >>is starting to become true for memory copies. So in the
extreme the memory copy is one operation only.

Well yes, that might be true for a one user desktop system. But
shouldn't we meet the demands from the "data center" users as well? Now,
I do hereby claim that: 1000 process/threads doing 128Kb reads is
_absolute_ not the same as 1000 process/threads doing 4Kb disk reads in
terms of i/o, memory and bus bandwidth.

Anyone willing to bet on this one?

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