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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test2: lost mouse synchronization after apm-suspend
"Greg KH" <> wrote to someone else:

> Unload all usb drivers before suspending please.

I hope this isn't a general rule? I can't keep up with the list, but I saw
this message, and it looks like a disaster.

There are a lot of small-size desktop machines that depend on USB keyboards
because they don't have PS/2 ports. In some cases the keyboard includes a
PS/2 hub for a PS/2 mouse, but in some cases the keyboard doesn't even have
that so the mouse is also USB. In all of these cases the connection to the
CPU goes through a USB port.

How should the user restore their keyboard after resuming from suspend? A
modprobe or insmod command? In the vast majority of these cases the input
of a command would depend on having the USB keyboard already working.

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