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SubjectFilesystem Benchmarking script w ext2
Some people asked about ext2 so it is in this sample results.

It seemes like there was some interest in the filesystem benchmarks, so
I have written a better testing script. Take it from .
(You will need scsh to use it.)

It makes it easy to select which filesytems to benchmark, and you get a
tab-delimited output (so you can import into Excel :). Also, you can
customize the list of tests with whatever commands you wish. If anyone
finds it useful, let me know so that I continue to work on it. Attached
is a sample output.
fs bigdir cpu cp cpu cp2 cpu cp3 cpu cp4 cpu cp5 cpu rm cpu rm2 cpu rm3 cpu sync cpu total avg
ext2 33.01 0.235989 37.82 0.149656 43.81 0.128281 44.14 0.127096 46.09 0.121284 49.75 0.115779 15.95 0.0376176 7.66 0.0861619 15.2 0.0427632 0.43 0. 293.86 0.129109
ext3 38.47 0.248505 94.42 0.0775259 61.35 0.119478 62.64 0.117976 62.58 0.119367 64.7 0.117156 25.14 0.0640414 7.86 0.194656 13.17 0.118451 4.94 0.00202429 435.27 0.117996
reiser4 32.95 0.32868 33.27 0.326721 32.31 0.341071 34.48 0.327726 33.88 0.332054 31. 0.36871 17.51 0.262707 7.74 0.527132 12.97 0.341557 0.55 0. 236.66 0.337235
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