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Subjectsound update causes artsd to fail/abort initialization

While testing 2.6.0-test2-mm3-1, I ran into a problem with artsd failing
during X/KDE startup, leaving an error message "cpu overload,
aborting". It takes about 20 seconds to fail, and after X finally does
come up, all seems well with the exception of artsd being AWOL. (I don't
know what artsd has to do with sound, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem
to be terribly important, because xmms seems to work fine without
it) After the initial failure, dropping back to the shell and restarting
X/KDE _usually_ results in artsd starting just fine, though once in a while
I'll get the same hang and failure that I always get the first time around.

Using the "brute-ignorance" method (pick something at random, patch -R it),
I narrowed it down a little. Exactly what I reverted is attached for
reference. Box is a piii/500 with an onboard ymf-740c, and I'm using oss

-Mike[unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream]
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