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SubjectUSB Disk (Archos Jukebox) and 2.6.0-test2 (-mm3)

Since 2.6.0 and on I've had problems with mounting up my Archos Jukebox
MP3 player. In the 2.4.20 kernel I used to:

Power on the unit
plug in the USB cable
modprobe usb-storage
(scsi disk is compiled in)
mount /dev/sda1

Debian Unstable
{1}:/home/nomad>lspci -v | grep -i usb
00:1f.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM USB (Hub #1) (rev 05) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])
00:1f.4 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM USB (Hub #2) (rev 05) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])

"hotplug" autoloads the module for my visor and it is working properly.
When I plug in archos it sees a device but says there's no module for
the device.

Now when I modprobe usb-storage it hangs the shell and pretty much the
machine. No real output, it just sits there. I've had this same
behavior in 2.6.0-test1, test2 and test2-mm3.

If someone wishes to give me some debug commands to run or alternate
compile options feel free.


Robert L. Harris | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
@ x-hkp://
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Don't stop traffic to stand and gawk at the tragedy.
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