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Subjectmutt segfault with ext3 & 1k blocks & htree in 2.6

I have just converted my 25GB / partition from reiserfs to ext3 with 1k
blocks, and now mutt is segfaulting periodocally.

I suspect it is htree, because I left four mutt processes running last
night, and two of them segfaulted.

Interestingly enough, it happened about 1 minute apart, so they might have
checked one of the large maildir folders and that could have caused the
problem, except that the other two mutt processes should have checked the
same folders, and they didn't crash.

I have full strace output of each mutt process up until the segfault in two
cases, and up until strace was stopped in the third case.

Please let me know what more I can do to help track this down.

I have tried this with:
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