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SubjectRe: 2.4.22pre8 hangs too (Re: 2.4.21-jam1 solid hangs)

> Ville,
> Which kernel doesnt hang on your box? 2.4 something ?

> 2.4.20pre7 ran for over 9 months before it suddenly begun locking up (I
> _suppose_ it could just mean the bug/problem is hard to trigger.)
> Nothing had been changed: the box had been up for that nine month
> period, and the same oracle dump cron job had been running each night.


> Earlier 2.4's had too many problems with aic7xxx (crashes and so on), so
> I can't comment on them.

> After 2.4.20pre7, I tried 2.4.21-jam1 (based on -aa patchset) and
> 2.4.22-pre8. I also tried compiling 2.4.21-jam1 with gcc-3.2.1 instead
> of 2.96. All of those locked up eventually, sometimes within a day from
> reboot, some times it takes weeks. At one point, 2.4.21-jam1 seemed to
> reliably lock up when compiling kernel, but it no longer happens no
> matter how hard I try. Usually the lock up happens during nightly oracle
> backup dump.

So NMI and sysrq doesnt help. I suggest you a few things:

Try to make the bug easy to reproduce. Force the Oracle dumps again and
again to crash the box. Can you try it or its a production machine?

BTW, can you describe this "Oracle dumps" in more detail? What do they do?
Save lots of data to disk and thats all or ?

Hope we can trace this down.
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