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SubjectTwofish i586/i686 assembler implementation

Twofish is now available as assembler implementation for Pentium/PentiumPro.

I've ported the assembler sources of the public domain Twofish
implementation of Counterpane to cryptoapi. Everyone how has ever locked at
2fish_86.asm will for sure admit that it's next to impossible to change it's
assembler: masm. Instead of rewriting everything in nasm or gas, I've
decided to take a shortcut. I used masm to compile it.

That's for sure a sin and I will burn in free software hell, but don't
worry. You don't have to touch masm. I supplied precompiled binaries for you
and as you won't need to port it to another architecture precompiled
binaries are just fine.

However, the first test looks promissing. It's almost twice as fast as the C
implementation. So I think it's worth trying.

FYI in case you'd like to play with the source: It's possible to work
without a Windows environment. Wine runs masm perfectly and masm is
available through some special tricks for free (as in beer). Just have a
look at INSTALL.Linux.

Regards, Clemens
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