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SubjectRe: how to log reiser and raid0 crash? 2.6.0-t4
promise bios flash page--
wget this bios flash if today--(will try later tonight)

Mudama, Eric wrote:

>LBA48 shouldn't affect 60GB drives.
>To my understanding, it is only an issue with drives >137GB (128GiB) that
>are moved to some controllers (promise?) after being used on other systems.
True, but I think Alan Cox mentioned something about new code setting
pio4 and udma6
at the same time so I was hoping new code might relate to system hangs
on mkfs, fsck,
cp to raid on commodity-promise-controlled drives. I might try the lba48
patch on a
null-modem serial setup in case there's other code in there. I could use
a promise
sx-6000 according to Oliver Pitzeier (see below)
but that's
an expensive onboard raid card, not commodity booty using linux software
Lost time moots the expense issue but commodity servers need a cheap
reliable controller
card, a tulip equivalent in the controller card category, to make a
cheap net-speed
-Bob D

>2.6.0-t4 amd 3000+ 1G four maxtor 60G drives on two
>> controllers(mb's and promise)
As I always tell my customers: Promise means trouble; At least within Linux.

The only Promise controller that works fine for me is a SX-6000 with 6 drives (raid-5, 1 spare).

Best regards,

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Resident Boxholder []
>Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:29 AM
>To: Oleg Drokin
>Subject: Re: how to log reiser and raid0 crash? 2.6.0-t4
>2.6.0-t4 amd 3000+ 1G four maxtor 60G drives on two controllers(mb's and
>problem isolated to promise card(have to verify the other is error-free
>longer though)
>Oleg Drokin wrote:
>>On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 03:57:39PM -0400, Resident Boxholder wrote:
>>>I cause a lock up by doing a cp -aR /usr/src /mnt/usr...
>>Is there any chance of using sirial console to see if you can capture
>something on that?
>> Oleg
>I have a second linux pc and I can google whether to use null or regular
>serial cable,
>howto put a console on serial, then log to that, I guess that's all. As
>a bonus I won't
>need a kvm switch anymore.
>Here's some repeatable "high-level(monkey-level)" info.
>I have four drives, two on mboard controller and two on a 133 Promise card.
>If I make a four-drive four-partition raid zero md device, I get enough
>to draw my attention, so then I make two-drive md devices to see which
>controller works, if any. Without really flogging it I got ext2 and
>reiserfs on
>the mboard's two drives to work for mkfs, fsck, and copy /usr/src/ /tmp
>so maybe this is a Promise problem. The mboard controller handles udma6
>no problem for that two-drive md.
>With only two drives on the promise card forming a raid zero md device,
>crashes happen on mkfs and fscks and even though no md's are mounted
>on boot, the boot won't happen sometimes after a crash.
>I have no errors logging anymore. The only one I got was by switching to
>vc/5 and seeing reiserfs info but I don't see that anymore since fixing one
>thing, it was because of mdadm and debian config conflict, forget that.
>The irq error storm was a false lead as well, no more such errors, no
>errors at all logged, since removing cd's and second promise card and
>turning usb off and turning apic off in bios and letting linux turn apic on.
>ACPI is smooth, no errors, just sudden death.
>Things I've tried are no fastrak in promise kernel config, hdparm no dma,
>hdparm udma4 instead of udma6. I'll try pio4 pio3 on the promise md
>and really flog the mboard-controlled md to verify that there is no
>problem except on the promise card. I'm reading what Alan Cox is
>saying about "LBA48 pio and udma" so I will try turning dma off
>and going down in pio modes.
>Swap is working with four drives, so two on the promise card, but with 1G of
>ram swap on the promise card may never be used.
>-Bob D
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