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Subjectlinux-2.4.22 Oops on ATM PCA-200EPC

I have always used vanilla kernel with very old patch for ATM
(name: linux-2.3.99-pre6-fore200e-0.2f.patch) It worked well -
I have just tried vanilla 2.4.22, here is oops. ATM doesn't work :(

ksymoops 2.4.5 on i686 2.4.22. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.4.22/ (default)
-m /lib/modules/2.4.22/ (specified)

Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000010
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: c0263127
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: *pde = 00000000
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: Oops: 0002
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: CPU: 0
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0263127>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: EFLAGS: 00010286
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: eax: 00000000 ebx: ffffffff ecx: c02c7c14 edx: ffffff9e
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: esi: f78812b4 edi: 000061e1 ebp: f6f27800 esp: f78e5f04
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: Process atmarpd (pid: 8093, stackpage=f78e5000)
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: Stack: f6f27800 f7b2a880 f706b680 400f7020 00000000 00000003 f6fb7a80 f7b2a89c
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: 00000000 005d3339 f78812b4 00030002 f7a3e780 f7b7c005 00000003 0028f3c6
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: f78e5f24 00000007 000036a9 00000000 00000000 00000002 f78e4000 000061e1
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: Call Trace: [<c0260f83>] [<c01fac40>] [<c014f835>] [<c010770f>]
Aug 26 00:47:54 voices kernel: Code: f0 ff 48 10 a1 74 0f 36 c0 8b 40 18 83 48 14 08 85 d2 0f 85

>>EIP; c0263127 <atm_ioctl+927/c90> <=====

>>ebx; ffffffff <END_OF_CODE+7647f28/????>
>>ecx; c02c7c14 <atm_clip_ops_mutex+0/14>
>>edx; ffffff9e <END_OF_CODE+7647ec7/????>
>>esi; f78812b4 <_end+3752031c/3858a0c8>
>>edi; 000061e1 Before first symbol
>>ebp; f6f27800 <_end+36bc6868/3858a0c8>
>>esp; f78e5f04 <_end+37584f6c/3858a0c8>

Trace; c0260f83 <__lock_svc_proto_ioctl+43/80>
Trace; c01fac40 <sock_ioctl+40/80>
Trace; c014f835 <sys_ioctl+f5/2b0>
Trace; c010770f <system_call+33/38>

Code; c0263127 <atm_ioctl+927/c90>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c0263127 <atm_ioctl+927/c90> <=====
0: f0 ff 48 10 lock decl 0x10(%eax) <=====
Code; c026312b <atm_ioctl+92b/c90>
4: a1 74 0f 36 c0 mov 0xc0360f74,%eax
Code; c0263130 <atm_ioctl+930/c90>
9: 8b 40 18 mov 0x18(%eax),%eax
Code; c0263133 <atm_ioctl+933/c90>
c: 83 48 14 08 orl $0x8,0x14(%eax)
Code; c0263137 <atm_ioctl+937/c90>
10: 85 d2 test %edx,%edx
Code; c0263139 <atm_ioctl+939/c90>
12: 0f 85 00 00 00 00 jne 18 <_EIP+0x18>

*[ Łukasz Trąbiński ]*
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