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SubjectSurges of repeated input events in 2.6.0-test3-bk1?
Every once in a while, I'll get a surge of repeated input events, repeating 
really fast for about half a second. Just now it was the m key repeating
really fast for about half a second when I only hit it once, and before that
I was scrolling a window down using the down arrow under the scrollbar with
the rat, and it surged down for about half a second when I only clicked it
once. (Each time the result was equal to a half-dozen clicks/keypresses when
I only did one...)

Judging by the loadmeter thing in kde, this seems to coincide with a spike of
red (system) CPU usage. Not a clue what causes that, KDE is up and it's got
background processes out the wazoo...

Just thought I'd yell. Vanilla test3-bk1, no patches applied at the moment.
Running on an otherwise stock Red Hat 9 system. (Everything compiled
monolithic, so I didn't even have to change modutils.) I'll upgrade to a
newer kernel in a bit and let you know if it happens more. (It's not exactly
a common thing, I've seen it twice in the past hour. It's annoying when it
happens, though...)

(It's like the release event is getting delayed by some kind of latency spike,
but some kind of ultra-fast repeat mechanism's triggering immediately...)


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