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SubjectRe: headers
On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 21:07:44 +0200 (MEST) wrote:

| From Mon Aug 18 20:14:47 2003
| I support include/abi, or some other directory that segregates
| user<->kernel shared headers away from kernel-private headers.
| I don't see how that would be auto-generated, though. Only created
| through lots of hard work :)
| Yes, unfortunately. I started doing some of this a few times,
| but it is an order of magnitude more work than one thinks at first.

I expected that.

| Already the number of include files is very large.
| And the fact that it is not just include/abi but involves the architecture
| doesn't make life simpler.
| No doubt we must first discuss a little bit, but not too much,
| the desired directory structure and naming.
| Then we must do 5% of the work, and come back to these issues.
| In case people actually want to do this, I can coordinate.
| In case people want to try just one file, do signal.h.

Hm, interesting.

Since there are 20+ <arch>/signal.h files and they don't always agree
on signal bit numbers e.g., do we have 20+ abi/arch/signal.h files?
Or 1 abi/signal.h file with many #ifdefs? ugh.

The ABI is still per-arch, right? Not _one ABI_ for any/all arches.

Or maybe I'm all wet.

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