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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O16.2int
On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 11:21:04AM +1000, Con Kolivas wrote:
> Quoting Tom Sightler <>:
> > Hi Con,
> Hi Tom
> > 1. -- Wine running Windows Media Player 6.4 works great when running in
> Yes a well known problem now (see other threads about wine). Wine doing
> something very cpu intensive exhibits this due to a combination of wine
> breakage brought out by my scheduler tweaks causing priority inversion.
> > 2. -- Adobe Acrobat 5.07 for Linux seems to have a very similar issue, a
> > large complex document seems to starve out the whole system making the
> > system feel locked up for several seconds.
> Actually I've profiled acroread and it seems to be more a memory issue than a
> scheduler one per se. Something very inefficient about it's design and it
> behaves much worse as a mozilla plugin than standalone. Give it lots of cpu
> time and it just keeps doing more and more vm work.

Acrobat has a switch so that it keeps a cache of rendered pages, and
obviously it default to ON, so just reading a big PDF file page by
page will trash all the system with lots useless data. BUT, for simple
PDF usage in a non-multitasking single-user machine it's faster
so there you have a possible reason for it's strange behaviour.

> > 3. -- It seems I can trigger the same kind of starvation by simply doing
> > large selects in a Konsole window. Selecting a large section of text
> > Konsole issue, however, if another application is using a reasonable
> > amount of CPU, say a video playing in Wine using ~50% CPU, then it seems
> > easy to make this happen. Once it happens it's very hard to recover,
> This is because of wine, not the Konsole which behaves fine, but tips the
> combination of wine and something else over the edge.
> I'm working on it. Thanks very much for your report.
> Cheers,
> Con
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