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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O16.2int
Quoting Tom Sightler <>:

> Hi Con,

Hi Tom

> 1. -- Wine running Windows Media Player 6.4 works great when running in

Yes a well known problem now (see other threads about wine). Wine doing
something very cpu intensive exhibits this due to a combination of wine
breakage brought out by my scheduler tweaks causing priority inversion.

> 2. -- Adobe Acrobat 5.07 for Linux seems to have a very similar issue, a
> large complex document seems to starve out the whole system making the
> system feel locked up for several seconds.

Actually I've profiled acroread and it seems to be more a memory issue than a
scheduler one per se. Something very inefficient about it's design and it
behaves much worse as a mozilla plugin than standalone. Give it lots of cpu
time and it just keeps doing more and more vm work.

> 3. -- It seems I can trigger the same kind of starvation by simply doing
> large selects in a Konsole window. Selecting a large section of text

> Konsole issue, however, if another application is using a reasonable
> amount of CPU, say a video playing in Wine using ~50% CPU, then it seems
> easy to make this happen. Once it happens it's very hard to recover,

This is because of wine, not the Konsole which behaves fine, but tips the
combination of wine and something else over the edge.

I'm working on it. Thanks very much for your report.

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