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SubjectMouse sensitivity setting a kernel driver issue?
I've been having trouble with my RedHat 9 installation where I can't 
seem to be able to set mouse sensitivity and acceleration properly. The
controls in the appropriate "preferences" applet do not have the desired
effect. Doing some research has suggested to me that this may be an
issue with the PS/2 mouse kernel driver which may make it relevant to
this list.

I'm using whatever kernel is the latest thing from RedHat's up2date,
which is some 2.4.20 kernel.

I'm not sure what system info should be posted in this case which would
apply, so please ask. If this is not a kernel issue, then I apologize
in advance.

Thank you.

I posted this to two newsgroups, but I haven't gotten any responses yet:

Subject: HELP: Cannot set mouse sensitivity under Red Hat 9

The relevant parts of my system are this:

- RedHat 9
- Logitech PS/2 optical mouse
- Abit KD7 motherboard (KT400)

Using RedHat's system configuration tools, I go to Preferences >
Mouse, and I adjust the mouse sensitivity and acceleration. Neither
has any effect on the mouse movement.

I noticed that if I go to System Settings > Mouse, run the tool, then
quit, the acceleration is adjusted, but there is no effect on the

I can set the sensitivity to anything I want, but it has no effect.
If I log out and back in, whatever I'd set before is reset to default.

Is there something I can do to fix this?


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