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Subjectfrom riana
Dear Respectiful,  

I am obliged to confide in you with the hope that you
will understand my plights and urgent need of your
assistance and also the need to accord this
communication the confidenciality it deserves.

My name is MISS RIANA MANE, the first daughter of
General Ausmane Mane, the former chief of defence
staff who was killed on November 17th 2000 allegedly
for resisting arrest because of his role as rebel
leaderin the 1998 rebellion in Guinea Bissau.
As a result of sequent persecution by the present
government of Guinea Bissau, I left with my mother
to Abidjan-Cote d´Ivoire, with the certificate of
deposit which was issued to my Father when he
deposited 1 trunk boxes with a Security Company
herein Abidjan.

These boxes contain the sum of US$ 10 million but were
declared to the security company officials as
containing African art for export to a foreign
partner for security reasons.

I have visited the security company but was told that
the deposit agreement required the presence of the
foreign partner on whose behalf the consignment was
deposited before any application for the clearance of
the boxes will be considered. Therefore, I
am contacting you to front you as the
foreign partner to my late Father on whose behalf
the consignment was deposited.Afterwards, this money shall be
transferred to your private account for investment purposes with you as
the general overseer. As soon as I receive your return
mail indicating your willingness to assist me in this
business, we shall discuss what shall be your
percentage fee for your assistance.

Thanks and allah bless


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