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Subjectlinux kernel problem (disklabel and swap)

i recently had the problem with a bsd disklabel and swap and as someone
suggested, the swap slice did not have SWAPSPACE in it and that running
mkswap would fix this. sure enough it did, but then i wondered why
swapon allowed /dev/hda3 as a valid swap. so i had a look and SWAPSPACE2
was there, right at the start of the openbsd partition, inside the
disklabel. so i have come to the conclusion that openbsd tells the world
via the disklabel that a partition/slice is swap rather than at the
start of the swap slice. the linux kernel does not know this and wants
SWAPSPACE2 at the start of the partition/slice. to test this i booted up
openbsd and forced it to swap. it wrote over the SWAPSPACE2 in the
slice. so i think that the linux kernel needs to be fix so that if an
openbsd partition exists, the kernel expects SWAPSPACE2 in the disklabel
rather than the actual swap slice. i don't know if this is true for
other *BSD though.

i hope this helps.

thanks, daniel.

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