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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test2-mm1 results
>> Does this help interactivity a lot, or was it just an experiment?
>> Perhaps it could be less agressive or something?
> Well basically this is a side effect of selecting out the correct cpu hogs in
> the interactivity estimator. It seems to be working ;-) The more cpu hogs
> they are the lower dynamic priority (higher number) they get, and the more
> likely they are to be removed from the active array if they use up their full
> timeslice. The scheduler in it's current form costs more to resurrect things
> from the expired array and restart them, and the cpu hogs will have to wait
> till other less cpu hogging tasks run.
> How do we get around this? I'll be brave here and say I'm not sure we need to,
> as cpu hogs have a knack of slowing things down for everyone, and it is best
> not just for interactivity for this to happen, but for fairness.
> I suspect a lot of people will have something to say on this one...

Well, what you want to do is prioritise interactive tasks over cpu hogs.
What *seems* to be happening is you're just switching between cpu hogs
more ... that doesn't help anyone really. I don't have an easy answer
for how to fix that, but it doesn't seem desireable to me - we need some
better way of working out what's interactive, and what's not.


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