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SubjectDell 2650 Dual Xeon freezing up frequently
I'm running a RedHat 2.4.20 kernel on some 2650's   all dual xeon 
(pentium 4 jacksonized so it looks like 4 procsessors) 2 have 1GB of
RAM and 1 has 2GB of RAM. THey all wedge, some times after a few
minutes, sometimes after hours.

I hooked up a serial consol to capture a kernel panic or something else
that would be fun to debug, no such luck.. It just locks up. No nothing.

I'm looking at the 2.4.21 change logs and I'm not seeing aynthing that
sounds like it would fix this, a couple possible SMP issues but nothing
that identifies Pentium 4 Xeon problems.
I've added one networking module but the problem happens without it
being loaded, so my crap doesn't smell bad, yet ;-)

I'm spinning stuff on it in uniprocessor mode at the moment, seeing if
that fixes anything.

any free clues?


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