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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O11int for interactivity
* Con Kolivas <> [30-07-2003 13:36]:
> Update to the interactivity patches. Not a massive improvement but
> more smoothing of the corners.
> [snip]
> _All_ testing and comments are desired and appreciated.

Well, I just put my system under severe natural load using
2.6.0-test2-mm1 and I must say that my system remained as responsive
as one could expect. I have a PentiumIII 500Mhz with 192 Mb RAM.

Here's what load was like:
1) Compiling 2.6.0-test2-mm1-O11.1int :)
2) updating spamassassin bayesian filters (This mainly causes heavy
disk i/o, the CPU usage is not so high)
3) procmail filtering ~40 emails simultaneously.
4) playing ogg's in xmms
5) switching between viewing pdf's and web-browsing

Window switching remained pretty snappy and there was one skip in
the music . The pdf's scrolled at a decent speed too.

All in all I would say that I really cannot expect anything more in
terms of responsiveness from my hardware. IMO, there is a limit to the
magic a good scheduler can do on limited hardware resources.

The scheduler has certainly come a long way since 2.6.0-test1
( plus all subsequent patches and versions). Great work.

- Apurva
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