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Subject2.5.x module make questions

I have two questions regarding kbuild.
1, According to doc., makefile can do descending. Could make carry ascending?
2, Does old style of makefile still work (it should according to the article of "Driver porting: compiling external module")?

I was using "make -C /usr/src/linux SUBDIRS=$PWD modules". Build process at the stage 2 after primary Makefile trying to get secondary Makefile to be involved. I have fairly complicated source tree to be involved in the module build process, including descending and ascending. The main (primary) Makefile is almost down to the bottom of the tree. It is in old style and has followng content:

export TOPDIR
export CFLAGS

all : ag.o

ag.o: ../../../../t/s/ts.o ../../../f/c/fc.o ../../../f/i/fi.o s/sl.o
ld -r -o ag.o ../../../../t/s/ts.o ../../../f/c/fc.o ../../../f/i/fi.o s/sl.o

@echo "Making t-s"
@make -C ../../../../t/s

@echo "Making F-C"
@make -C ../../../f/c

@echo "Making F-I"
@make -C ../../../f/i

@echo "Making linux s-l"
@make -C s

What happend is the linux make exits after excuting the above Makefile. It did not change the directory "@make -C **" and perform futher make.

At the end of tree, a Makefile is regular like (../../../f/c/Makefile):
T_INC = -I../../../t/api -I../../../t/s
SL_INC = -I../../d/l/c
FC_INC = -I../i
TI_INC = -I../../d/api

obj-m := fc.o

fc-objs := t1.o t2.o t3.o t4.o


Any suggestion is welcomed. If the kbuild cannot do ascending, I have to change the source tree structure but that is the least I want to do.

Many thanks!


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