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SubjectRe: Reiser4 status: benchmarked vs. V3 (and ext3)
Jussi Laako wrote:

>On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 10:19, Yury Umanets wrote:
>>>So basically we do have pretty powerful hardware with huge storage and
>>>memory and now need a FS which is fast and reliable even on flash
>>>memory. JFFS2 is nice but way too slow once one has bigger sizes.
>>I think this is more then enough for running reiser4. Reiser4 is a linux
>>filesystem first of all, and linux is able to be ran on even worse
>>hardware then you have.
>Most Linux filesystems can't be used properly with flash devices because
>of unability to handle write errors caused by flash wearing out. FS
>should mark the block as bad and relocate the data. Some devices report
>"read correctly, but had ECC" and when such happens data should also be
>relocated to not worn-out place and block marked as bad.
I would be happy to accept a patch fixing that, or to fix it for a fee,
or to fix it if we somehow get more funding from somewhere next year.;-)


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