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Subjectfroom assembly to C in boot code
Hi all,

I forward to the lkml a mail I posted on kernelnewbies hoping someone of
you can help me.


for a couple of weeks I worked on some examples about boot process. In
my previous post on kernelnewbies I post some of them.

Now I have a problem. My goal is to boot from a diskette, load the setup
code (4 sectors), load the kernel at 0x10000 and move it at 0x1000
trying to execute a main C routine that
should represent the start of the kernel. This C routine print simply
"Hello Kernel".

For my job I used the examples of Berlin Brown at because this code is a
simplified version of the linux boot process.

Attached there is my code, hoping someone of you can give a look at it
and tell me if there is something wrong (I think so).

Before the jump to 0x0100 all seems work fine. The problem happen when I switch in
protected mode and try to jump to 0x0100.

Ahhhh!!! I use bochs for my test.


To build my code type:

make clean (when necessary)
make all

to write on a diskette:
make disk

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