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Subjectlots of oopses with recent kernels
I am using gcc version 3.3 20030623 (Red Hat Linux 3.3-12)
so that may be to blame...

...but I have received the bellow oopses while copying files to a "Device-Mapper" striped device with
'tar cf - . | tar - -C /mnt/tmp'

oops1: reiserfs format device (with BadRAM patch)
oops2: ext2/3 format device (with BadRAM patch)
oops3: reiserfs format device (with mem=320M BadRAM patch

Kernel 2.6.0-test1-mm1 (with latest device-mapper patches)
was used with these oopses however I have had a similar
oops though while using device-mapper (I was compiling
glibc) with 2.6.0-test1:


While using 2.6.0-test1-ac1 to attempt the same procedure as described above USB was killed:


Also attached dmesg and .config used for 2.6.0-test1-mm1

Now having said all of that, I should add that the system runs completely stable under a modified Red Hat 2.4.20-9 (ACPI patch amoung other things) also compiled with the same compiler.

The hardware in this machine is:

Intel P3 (coppermine stepping 10) 933MHz
BIOSTAR M6VBE-A (VIA Apollo Pro 133 based)
384MiB 256+128 (with defect in last 64MiB of 128MiB) 133MHz

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