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SubjectRe: what is needed to test the in-kernel crypto loop?
    From  Tue Jul 15 20:29:45 2003

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 15:46:55 +0200, said:

> Try util-linux 2.12, available in 60 hours.

(using this version from
-rw-r--r-- 1 korg korg 1285674 Jul 13 22:09 util-linux-2.12pre.tar.bz2

Umm.. OK... I'll bite. How do I get 2.12pre to actually use cryptoloop?

Ah, 2.12pre is not 2.12.

(2.12pre is a solid version, I hope, nothing wrong with it,
but no new loop stuff; someone was willing to test it and
did not come back with complaints, so maybe it isnt too bad.)

(On the other hand, concerning 2.12 I hesitated for a long time.
Jari came with code that works perfectly, but is such a lot of
cruft. Did I really want to maintain that? Lots of cryptoalgorithms
built into mount? On under /pub/aeb/util-linux there
was a util-linux-2.12-wip.tar.gz for a month or so, but I removed it
and replaced it by util-linux-2.12.tar.gz.
This new losetup/mount is minimal instead of maximal, smaller than
the older versions. Good for playing, but people who really have
their filesystems on loop-aes or cryptoloop had better wait before
rushing and installing this.)

A main reason for discrepancy is that no knowledge about cryptoalgorithms
is built into mount/losetup. With a -p option these programs are willing
to read a possibly encrypted passphrase from a given file descriptor.
All passphrase handling can now be external to mount, I hope.
No doubt more polishing is needed.

Nothing has been tested. (But it compiles here.)

Please test and report.

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