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Subjectwoes with 2.6.0-test1 and xscreensaver/xlock
Hi there people,

Is anyone else having trouble with xscreensaver/xlock under 2.6.0-test1?
Whenever I lock my session using either "lock screen" from the menu (it
launches 'xscreensaver lock', afaik) or "xlock", I cant seem to ever get
my session back -- I type in the correct password, but they both just
hang there. The exact same setup works flawlessly in 2.4.21, and just for
the sake of curiosity I also tested 2.5.75, 2.5.74, 2.5.73, 2.5.72,
2.5.71 and 2.5.70, they all exhibit the same behaviour as 2.6.0-test1. I
dont really have time to go on testing kernels to find out exactly where
it broke, so I'm hoping anyone else is experiencing these woes.

Additionally, syslog spews out the following:

Jul 16 17:40:24 hobbes xscreensaver(pam_unix)[1501]: authentication
failure; logname= uid=501 euid=501 tty=:0.0 ruser= rhost= user=nuno

I upgraded to the latest pam and xscreensaver packages from mandrake
cooker, but still no dice, it hangs exactly the same. And oh, this is
glibc 2.3.2, if thats interesting, and gcc 3.3.

Interestingly enough, sometimes killing the xscreensaver process leads to
a complete hang, although no oops is visible. With nmi_watchdog=1 it
doesnt hang, but it seems the keyboard is dead after killing xscreensaver
-- i see an error on console, something like 'xscreensaver: no interrupt
data for mouse/keyb on /proc/interrupt' (i didnt copy it down, sorry).
The keyboard is still useable from the console, but not from X.

Let me know if you need more info.


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