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SubjectAbout Radeonfb : Please improve the driver efficiently instead of arguing

I've seen your mails on LKML. I've also been using Ben's patch on my
laptop happily for months. I do not want to argue which is right or
wrong but just point out some facts :

- ATI embbeded controller is one of the most used for laptop (Ix86 and
Macs), so having a good driver is indeed very important so please work
- I've seen Ben's official announcement for his patch on LKML and
applied the patch. I guess a *maintainer* should have been able to also
see it and incorporate it or at least argues why he doesn't agree with
proposed changes. I've haven't seen any public reply from you Ani to
ben's original post,
- You pretend 0.18 includes all ben's work which is apparently not
true. This is at least misleading,

So, from theses pure facts, I would suggest that you :

- Improve at least the way you communicate with others trying to
enhance the radeonfb driver even if its not their main job. What would
have happened to linux if Linus or Allan would have refused patches
coming from outside...
- enhance *efficiently* the radeonfb driver instead of arguing over
maintenance ownership...

A not so happy radeonbf user,

/ ` Eric Valette
/-- __ o _. 6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__ 35740 Pace

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