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Kurt Wall wrote:
> Works over here (right now):

Same here, not only, but also

triphoenix:~/root$ finger
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.4.21
The latest prepatch for the stable Linux kernel tree is: 2.4.22-pre4
The latest snapshot for the stable Linux kernel tree is: 2.4.21-bk6
The latest beta version of the Linux kernel is: 2.5.74
The latest snapshot for the beta Linux kernel tree is: 2.5.74-bk8
The latest 2.2 version of the Linux kernel is: 2.2.25
The latest 2.0 version of the Linux kernel is: 2.0.39
The latest prepatch for the 2.0 Linux kernel tree is: 2.0.40-rc6
The latest -ac patch to the stable Linux kernels is: 2.4.22-pre3-ac1
The latest -ac patch to the beta Linux kernels is: 2.5.69-ac1
The latest -dj patch to the beta Linux kernels is: 2.5.69-dj1
triphoenix:~/root$ finger
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.4.21
The latest prepatch for the stable Linux kernel tree is: 2.4.22-pre4
The latest snapshot for the stable Linux kernel tree is: 2.4.21-bk6
The latest beta version of the Linux kernel is: 2.5.74
The latest snapshot for the beta Linux kernel tree is: 2.5.74-bk8
The latest 2.2 version of the Linux kernel is: 2.2.25
The latest 2.0 version of the Linux kernel is: 2.0.39
The latest prepatch for the 2.0 Linux kernel tree is: 2.0.40-rc6
The latest -ac patch to the stable Linux kernels is: 2.4.22-pre3-ac1
The latest -ac patch to the beta Linux kernels is: 2.5.69-ac1
The latest -dj patch to the beta Linux kernels is: 2.5.69-dj1

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