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Subject[Patchset] 2.4.22-pre2-dis5 available
2.4.22-pre2-dis5 is released. Based on the 2.4 Bitkeeper tree as of this
afternoon, it offers quite a few new features compared to dis4. I've
worked with this one a lot over the past week or so, and only had minor
issues (see the Notes section on the site).

As always, its available from ..

No preempt yet, and (unless someone else steps up to do the port) its
not likely to happen anytime soon (the main swsusp developers have more
pressing issues). In theory its not too difficult; just find -all- the
places the kernel might reenable preemption and wrap them in
disable_preempt() calls. Heh. In the meantime, this one includes lots of
other new goodies (patched against 2.4.22-pre2, this patch includes the
latest BK as of this afternoon):

- Low-latency (everyone wants it, now its here)
- Supermount-NG 1.2.7
- Software Suspend 1.0-pre16
- New DSDT (from Adrian Dewhurst) for the Inspiron 8500. Fixes lots of
vendor bugs and is basically the fix I was hoping to avoid doing.
Thanks Adrian!
- New Radeon DRM (so you no longer need the one listed below)
- BootSplash 3.0.7, with a new entry and swsusp patches
- Packet mode for 2.4.21
- Newest ACPI from Bitkeeper about 3-5 days ago.
- Everything that was included in -dis4

Patches available against 2.4.21 and 2.4.22-pre2.

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